Bedford Reservation: Sagamore Creek Walk

"Nature does not hurry, yet everything is accomplished."     Lao Tzu


Bedford Reservation: Sagamore Creek bioObservation Survey

We had a wonderful time on the Wednesday evening of 16 April 2014 identifying and photographing various plants along the Linda Falls trail.  Our path led us through a woodland, along the edge of a ravine, and into a floodplain populated by wildflowers in differing stages of emergence.  Along the way we passed a white oak tree and were told that shed skins of black rat snakes have been observed in the branches.  None were observed on our evening walk.

Nature is a wonderful teacher.

Aurora Sanctuary Walk

Aurora Sanctuary bioObservation Survey

What a time we had out in the field on Saturday afternoon of 28 September 2013 keying out various plants, especially the asters. ... Walking through preserves with various habitats as Audubon’s Aurora Sanctuary provides that opportunity to observe a wide variety of plants, like beautiful blue Gentians, the arching stems of Water Loosestrife, ... Experiencing the beauty of and learning about nature with all of you is always a joyous adventure!

Bradley Woods Walk

Bradley Woods bioObservation Survey

What a fabulous time we had on a lovely Saturday afternoon of September 7th, 2013 walking through parts of Bradley Woods and learning about this gem of a reservation.  Many thanks and appreciation to our hosts from Cleveland Metroparks, Wendy Weirich, Bethany Majeski, and Valerie Fetzer for sharing their time, knowledge, and enthusiasm which makes learning fun!  While not a complete list of all observed or heard during our walk, the bioObservation survey does illuminate the diversity that can be found in nature in the space and time of a couple of hours.  Experiencing the beauty of nature with all of you was a joy!