- Articles
- Modern Day Remnants of Plymouth Swamp,Tom Sampliner
- Book Review by Tom Sampliner
- Wildflowers of the Appalachian Trail, Leonard M. Adkins

Virtual Archives -- 2000 - 2009
Each On the Fringe publication contains well written and informative articles on plants, ecology, plant science, nature, and so much more. As you read through the pages of earlier publications, the evolving history of the Native Plant Society of NEO comes alive as do the contributions over the years of many dedicated men and women who possessed ageless curiosity and shared care and concern for native plants and good stewardship of our natural world. Their individual actions and collective efforts made a difference.Thank you and enjoy!
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- Articles
- Ted Scott, The Power of One in the Understanding and Protection
of Our Native Flora, Jean Roche - Enemy of the Forest: Asian Longhorn Beetle Attacks Trees
- The Genus Veronica (Scrophulariaceae) With Emphasis on
Its Occurrence in Cuyahoga County, Dr. George J. Wilder
- Articles
- Lakeside Daisy in Ohio, Jennifer L. Windus
- Conkle's Hollow A Bit of Ohio's Winter Beauty, Paul Knoop
- About the Division of Natural Areas & Preserves,
Heidi Hetzel-Evans - Basic Reproductive Biology of Flowering Plants, Dr. Rebecca Dolan
- Invasive Plants of Ohio, Fact Sheet 3: Garlic Mustard
- What is a Native Plant?, Larry Morse
- What's So Special about Wetland Plants?
- Ohio Natural Area and Preserves:
Little Beaver Creek Sheepskin Hollow, Emliss Ricks - Taking a Closer Look, Guy L Denny
- Wildflowers in the Spotlight: The Dastardly Dandelion,
Betty Langston-Macon - Are There Carnivorous Plants Around Us?, Peter Lesica
- Think of plant communities, not plant collections, Michael Sawyer
- Book Review by Ted Scott
- The New England Wild Flower Society Guide to Growing and
Propagating Wildflowers of the United States and Canada,
William Cullina
- Articles
- Building a Sphagnum Bog Garden, Roberta and Fred Case
- Black Carp and Sick Cows, Donald Kennedy
- Anatomy of a Seed, Dr. Rebecca Dolan
- Singer Lake, Jim Bissell
- The Cup Half Full, Brian J. Armitage, Ph.D.
- Invasive Plants of Ohio, Fact Sheet 1: Amur, Morrow &
Tatarian Honeysuckle - Ohio Wetlands: The Peatlands - Part 1, Barbara Andreas, Ph.D.
- The Teays River, Michael C. Hansen
- Man, Look at that Doll's Eyes, Barry Glick
- Book Review by Michael Homoya
- The Illustrated Companion to Gleason and Cronquist's Manual
- Articles
- Mix or Match? The Right Seed for the Right Bird
- Cleveland Museum of Natural History's Natural Areas Program,
Jim Bissell - Deciduous Evergreens: Your tree may just look dead!,
Doug Dudgeon - Mallows, Perry Peskin
- Garlic Mustard Control, Rich Dunbar
- Invasive Plants of Ohio: Narrow-leaved and Hybrid Cattail
- Other Flower-Related Terms, Becky Dolan
- Tallgrass Prairie, Gordon Mitchell
- Adam & Eve Go Wild, or The First Native American Crazy Glue,
Barry Glick - Book Review by James S. Pringle
- A Guide to Wildflowers in Winter:
Herbaceous Plants of Northeastern North America, Carole Levine
- Articles
- My Favorite Prairie Recipe, Guy L. Denny
- All Mixed Up: Prairie Seed Mixes, Michael P. Anderson
- Miller Nature Sanctuary
- Invasive Plants of Ohio, Autumn-Olive and Russian-Olive
- Rating Natural Areas: The Floristic Quality Assessment Index
- Plant Reproduction, Dr. Rebecca Dolan
- Sugar Maple: Most American of Northern Hardwoods,
Robert T. Leverett- American Holly, George Washington, and 'Beautiful Ohio',
Tom Cooperrider- Shawnee State Forest: Ohio's Little Smokies, Jim McCormac
- Where can one buy native plants?
- Blue Trillium, Ernest Kerr
- Finding Rare Seed, Carol Deppe
- Landscaping With Natives, Ericaceous Hoosiers, Barbara Wilde
- Walking Gingerly Through The Woods, Barry Glick
- Carex Plantaginea, Barry Glick
- Domatia: A Room of One's Own, Scott Zona
- Plant Reproduction, Dr. Rebecca Dolan
- Articles
- The Knotted Dodder and Other Curiosities, Perry Peskin
- Focus on Native Forages: Cup Plant, Rebecca Zych,
Anna Bennett, and Paul Hammond - The Oak Openings of Northwest Ohio, Part 1 of 4,
Robert Jacksy, Jr. - Conservation Biolgy Studies of Royal Catchfly,
Rebeca W. Dolan, Ph.D. - Conkles Hollow State Nature Preserve
- Innovative Erosion Control in Kalamazoo
- Invasive Plants of Ohio: Multiflora Rose
- Botany 101 - Leaf Characteristics, Dr. Rebecca Dolan
- Some Prairie Legumes
- Goldthread, Janice Stiefel
- Invasive Natives, Charles Smith
- Gardener's Introduction to Native Grasses
of Eastern North America,
The Education Committee of the North American Native
Plant Society - Wild Bergamot 2001 Wildflower of the Year, Mary Carol Cooper
- Book Review by Art Hopkins
- Tinkering With Eden: A Natural History of Exotics in America,
Kim Todd
- Articles
- Woodland Wildflowers: Easy Propagation of Fall-maturing Seeds,
Jane Rogers - Gray's Sedge, Barry Glick
- That's Just Ducky!, Friends of Wetlands Newsletter, Nov. 2001
- The Oak Openings of Northwest Ohio, Part 2 of 4: Savanna Spring,
Linda Munger - A Good Steward, Ruth Ann Ingraham
- Invasive Plants of Ohio: Common and Cut-leaved Teasel
- Goldenrods -- With Emphasis On Species
of Cuyahoga County, Ohio, Dr. George J. Wilder - Umbel Pie: How One Family of Plants Excels
at Luring Beneficial Insects to the Garden, Niall Dunne - Botany 101: Twig Characteristics, Rebecca Dolan
- Encounters With Origin, David B. Williams
- Prairie Road Fen, Tim Snyder
- Composites of the Prairies, Barry Glick
- Articles
- A Dry Oak Forest or A Walk on the "Wilder" Side, Tom Sampliner
- The Oak Openings of Northwest Ohio Part 3 of 4:
A Tale of Two Puccoons, Kathryn M. Nelson - Botany 101: Internal Anatomy of Plants, Dr. Rebecca Dolan
and Dr. Katherine Schmid - More Than Just Bare Branches, Judy Bradt-Barnhart
- Caesar Creek Gorge State Nature Preserve
- The Role of Anthocyanin in Winter, J. Dan Pittillo
with inquiry responses by Howard S. Neufeld - Save That Tree for Wildlife, Lori Totman
- Invasive Plants of Ohio: Canada Thistle
- One of World's Rarest Plants Discovered in Indiana:
Short's Goldenrod Turns Up During Inventory, Michael A. Homoya - Witch-Hazel: 2002 Virginia Wildflower of the Year
- Glacial Deposits of Ohio
- Learning About Lichens, Willem Meyer
- Book Review
- Field Guide to Indiana Wildflowers, K. Yatskievych
- Book Review by Perry Peskin
- A Walk through Lucy Braun's Prairie
- Articles
- A Lily of Many Aliases, Stanwyn G. Shelter
- Demystifying the Mosses, Jean Roche
- Woodland Wildflowers, Easy Propagation of Spring-maturing
Seeds, Jane Rogers - Deer-Resistant Spring-Flowering Bulbs
- Internal anatomy of Plants - Growth in Girth,
Dr. Rebecca Dolan and Dr. Katherine Schmid - The Great Black Swamp
- An Untamed Delicacy, Joni Blackburn
- Invasive Plants of Ohio, Common Reed Grass
- Lakeside Daisy, Colleen "Casey" Taylor/Ruth E. Fiscus
Nature Preserve - American Ginseng, Janice Stiefel
- The Oak Openings of Northwest Ohio: Part 4 of 4
Lou Campbell Prairie of Oak Openings Preserve, Kim High - Guidelines for Rescuing Wildflowers
- Oxbow Lagoon: Its Plants, Invertebrates, Habitat Quality and
Habitat Values, Paul Grubach - Skunk Cabbage ranks at the top of nature's curiosities,
Elwood Fisher - Cut Leaf Toothwort, Barry Glick
- Is Wildflower Gardening Subversive, James Hodgins
- Book Review by Loren Russell
- Alpine Plants of North America, Graham Nicholls
- Articles
- Two Weeks and 38 Orchids in Western Newfoundland,
Paul Martin Brown - Big Darby Creek, Ohio, Back Home Again,
Ann Zwinger (Annual Dinner speaker) - Origin of the Prairie, Guy L. Denny
- Botany 101 Internal Anoatomy of Plants: Roots,
Dr. Rebecca Dolan and Dr. Katherine Schmid - Invasive Plants of Ohio: White and Yellow Sweet-clover
- Jennings Woods: A Natural Study Area, Jason Hopkins
- Reprise, Ohio Gets a State Flower, Tom Cooperrider
- Book Reviews
- Deciduous Forests of Eastern North America, E. Lucy Braun, Ph.D.
- Ohio's Foremost Woman Botanist, Ronald L. Stuckey
- Native Orchids of Nova Scotia: A Field Guide, Carl Munden
- The Wild Orchids of North America, North of Mexico,
Paul Martin Brown
- Articles
- Land Above the Trees: The American Alpine Tundra
- Jennings Woods Field Trip
- Rare Plants On Ohio's Wildlife Areas, Jennifer L. Windus
- Cattail: A Multi-Purpose Plant, Gordon Mitchell
- Botany 101: Gymnosperms, Dr. Rebecca Dolan
- The Best Plant Finds of 2002, Jim McCormac
- Native Trees for Gardeners in the Great Lakes Watershed
- Purple Loosestrife: For Vermont,
Biocontrol is Best Control Available - Miscanthus sinensis, Marilyn Ortt
- Appalachian Chestnut Forests Are Memories Lost,
Michael Andrew Sawyer - Invasive Plants of Ohio: Japanese Knotweed
- Rockbridge State Nature Preserve
- Toronto votes against pesticide use
- Rare plants on Presque Isle
- Articles
- A Very Special Place, Jean Roche
- D-Day on the Beaches of Ashtabula, Jean Roche
- Mulch "Volcanoes" Endanger Trees and Shrubs
- The Oldest Native Forest of Ohio, U.S.A.,
Shya Chitaley, Ph.D. - The Grape Ferns, Barbara Plampin
- Hemlock Woolly Adelgid, James F. Stimmel
- American Chestnut As an Allelopath
- In the Southern Appalachians,
D.B. Vandermast, David H. Nan Lear, and B.D. Clinton - On The Road To Nowhere: A New Color Form
For Small Roundleaf Orchid, Tom Sampliner - Hach-Otis Sanctuary State Nature Preserve, Emliss Ricks, Jr.
- Apples in Ohio, David Vermilion
- Winter Botanizing in Maryland, Meghan D. Tice
- Botany 101: Name That Conifer, Rebecca Dolan
- Wintergreen Orchids: Summer Flowers and Winter Leaves,
Carolyn Davis - Sudden Oak Death, Faith Thompson Campbell
- Invasive Plants of Ohio: Reed Canary Grass
- Meditations on Musclewood, Catherine Siddall
- How to Make Dried Plant Specimens,
Kay Yatskievych and Rebecca Dolan - Book Review by Nancy Cleaver
- Great Natural Habitat Plants, Ken Druse
- Book Review
- Follow the Blue Blazes: A Guide to Hiking Ohio's Buckeye Trail,
Robert J. Pond
- Articles
- Propagating Wild Ginger, Jane Rogers
- INVASIVE PLANTS OF OHIO: Tree-of-Heaven Ailanthus altissima
- The Mysteries of Mosses, Part I, Barbara Andreas
- Look Again: Hepatica, Dick Smith
- Great Blue Lobelia: 2002 Wildflower of the Year,
Mary Carol Cooper - Botany 101: Reproduction in Gymnosperms, Dr Rebecca Dolan
- Fakahatchee, Tom Sampliner
- The Mysteries of Mosses, Part I, Barbara Andreas
- Making the World More Beautiful, Alan Ginsburg
- Tulip Tree and Franklinia, Art Hopkins
- The Fiddlehead Dilemma, George Ellison
- Black Cohosh, Barry Glick
- Book Reviews
- The Origins of Fruit & Vegetables, Jonathan Roberts
- Lichens of North America, Irwin Brodo, Stephen Shamoff,
and Sylvia Duran Shamoff - Cultivating Delight: A Natural History of My Garden,
Diane Ackerman - The Landscaping Revolution: Garden with Mother Nature,
Not Against Her, Andy Wasowski with Sally Wasowski
- Articles
- Ohio’s Fairest and Rarest Plants: Part I, Perry Peskin
- Botany 101: Plant Hormones, Dr. Rebecca Dolan
- Shooting Stars, Barry Glick
- Eastern Hemlock: A Northern Remnant, Gordon Mitchell
- Landscaping for Wildlife, Greg Oskay
- Bigelow Cemetery State Nature Preserve: The Prairie
- Top Ten Native Hummingbird Plants
- Barberry (Without the Pirates) in Ohio, Tom Sampliner
- Native Shrubs for Wildlife: Great Lakes Bioregion, Tom Atkinson
- Nettles: Lean, Green, and Mean, Evert Broderick
- Meadow-in-a-Can or More Weeds?, Sandra Hines
- Sweetspire Itea virginica, Catherine Siddall
- Articles
- Kent Bog State Nature Preserve, Tom Cooperrider
- BECK FEN BECKONS, Tom Sampliner
- Botany 101: Plant Hormones II, Rebecca Dolan
- The Mysteries of Mosses, Part II, Barbara Andreas
- Ohio’s Fairest and Rarest Plants, Part II, Perry Peskin
- Overlooked Look-Alikes, David Dister
- Indiana Ferns and Their Haunts, Part I, Michael Homoya
- Gardening for the 21st Century, Janet Marinelli
- Articles
- 2004 Endowment Grant
- A Day With Mushrooms and Wild Horses, Jean Roche
- Field Trip Ethics
- Plant Detectives: Rattlers Don't Rattle They Whirr-rr!,
Barbara Plampin - What Is A Wildflower?
- The Problem: North American Native Plants
That Invade Slovakia and Central Europe,
Daniela Michalkova - American Beech: A Climactic Forest Tree, Gordon Mitchell
- Botany 101: More on Plant Hormones III, Rebecca Dolan
- Grass Pink Orchids: The Calopogons, Tom Sampliner
- Siegenthaler Esker State Nature Preserve
- Indiana Ferns II: Ferns of the Forest, Michael Homoya
- Easy-to-grow Native Grasses
- Nomenclatural Etiquette, Robert J. Bartolotta
- Millenium Seed Bank, Michael Sawyer
- Why We Cannot Ignore Invasive Plants, Elizabeth Czarapata
- Elder: Common Shrub Has Uncommon Number of Uses,
Vickie Shufer - Book Review by Carolyn Harstead
- Weeds in My Garden:
Observations on Some Misunderstood Plants, Charles B. Heiser
- Articles
- The Terebinths of Texas, Part 1, Perry Peskin
- Cleveland Museum of Natural History Herbarium,
Diane Police - Web Sites of Interest
- Woodland Wildflowers in the Winter, Jane Rogers
- Spring Beauty: Weed or Wildflower, Charles Heiser
- Botany 101: Phototropism, Geotropism, and Nasties,
Rebecca Dolan - Kitty Todd Nature Preserve, Gary Haase
- Marsh Marigold: An American Cowslip, Gordon Mitchell
- Pest Plants on the Web
- Indiana Ferns and Their Haunts: Part III,
Ferns of Rock Habitats (Part III), Michael Homoya - Germinating Seeds, Jane Murphy
- The New Suburbanites, Kathrin Day Lassila
- Book Reviews by Lorraine Johnson
- Wily Violets and Underground Orchids.
Revelations of a Botanist,Peter Bernhardt - Ferns for American Gardens, John T. Mickel
- Articles
- The Terebinths of Texas, Part 2, Perry Peskin
- Kudzu May Have a Medicinal Use
- Best Plant Finds of 2004,
Rick Gardner, Natural Heritage Botanist, DNAP - Chelone: The Turtleheads, Gene Bush
- Indiana Ferns, Part IV: Ferns of Wetlands, Michael Homoya
- CMNH Herbarium: January field trip report continued,
Diane Police - Are today’s paper-based dichotomous keys a dying breed?,
T.M.Jones - Sidewalk Garden at the Cleveland Zoo,
Jean Loria & Pebbles Bush - Rain Gardens: Let the plants do the cleaning, Lisa Billow
- Erie Sand Barrens SNP
- Multiflora Rose: The Tenacious Invasive, Marilyn Ortt
- Oswego Tea: A Non-Prairie Monarda, Gordon Mitchell
- The Dripping Ledges Along the Vermilion: Local Rainforest,
Tom Sampliner - Pollen-Free sunflowers, Charles B. Heiser
- Web-Based Resources for Ohio Botany
- Articles
- All the Pretty Flowers, Emily Green
- Out in the Field, Judy Barnhart
- All the pretty flowers, Emily Green
- Botany 101-19: Common Plant Families in Indiana,
Composite Family, Dr. Rebecca Dolan - ―Open Sesame‖: Gentians & Bumblebees, George Ellison
- Killing Them Not So Softly: Controlling lnvasive Species,
Ellen Jacquart - Meadow Grows in the Suburbs, Deanne Eversmeyer
- The Curious Case of the Disappearing Asters, Alan Weakley
- Prairie restoration: The Loess Prairie, David Zahrt
- Oak Openings Preserve Metropark
- William C. McCoy Honored
- Northern Pitcher Plant, Gordon Mitchell
- Cuyahoga Valley National Park – Invasive Plant Removal
- New England Aster (Aster novae-angliae), Tom Swinford
- Book Review by Jane Dorn
- Requiem For a Lawnmower:
Gardening In a Warmer, Drier World, 2nd ed.,
Sally Wasowski & Andy Wasowski, 2004
- Articles
- Elizabeth Martin -- 1909-2005, Ann Malmquist
- Naming of Cooperrider Herbarium, Kent State University
- Presidents Corner, Judy Barnhart
- The Mistletoes, David Taylor
- Giant Hogweed, Heracleum mantegazzianum
- Beetles Making Progress Against Purple Loosestrife,
Rich Dunbar - Fragrant Sumac, Catherine Siddall
- Weeds Gone Wild Weeds Gone Wild:
Alien Plant Invaders of Natural Areas - Into the Wild: Reintroducing Native Plants –
Solution or problem?, Rick Enser - Aliens in Their Native Land, Stanwyn G. Shetler
- Botany 101-20: Common Plant Families, Bean Family,
Dr. Rebecca Dolan - Tinker's Creek State Nature Preserve, Emliss Ricks
- New York Monkshood: A Rare Aconitum, Gordon Mitchell
- Who Is Mrs. William Starr Dana?, Mary Finger
- What Is a Naturalized Plant?
- Easy-to-Grow Native Ferns Eastern North America,
Richard Woolger - Apples in Ohio, David Vermilion,
Historian, Dawes Arboretum - Book Review
- Guide to Gardening with Native Plants Returns to Print:
Field and Forest:
A Guide to Native Landscapes for Gardeners and Naturalists,
Scott, Jane.
- Articles
- The Herricks Endow Chair at Kent State University,
Barbara Andreas - The Magnolias of Ohio, Guy Denny
- Native Plants: Vital to the Web of Life,
Kathryn Hanratty - Manitoulin’s Sand Dune Beaches, Vida Bain
- Botany 101-21:
Common Plant Families in Indiana, Ranunculaceae
= Buttercup Family, Dr. Rebecca Dolan - Rain Gardens – GeaugaSWCD
- Kyle Woods State Nature Preserve, Emliss Ricks
- Mayapple: An American Mandrake, Gordon Mitchell
- The First 250 Years of Natural History in North America,
George Beatty - Garlic Mustard, Donald Musselman
- Butternut Juglans cinerea, Keri Pidgen
- Web-Based Resources For Ohio Flora ODNR, DNAP,
revised March 2005 - Travelin' Plants:
What Makes Some Plants Better Movers than Others,
Katherine Gould - Raising Native Understory Shrubs from Seed, Bill Cullina
- The Great Lakes Restoration Plan, Kathryn Hanratty
- Tall Larkspur, Delphinium exaltatum, Gene Bush
- Articles
- The Natural Landscape Movement
- A Land Ethic, Charles Smith
- Marion Jackson's Favorite Native Trees:
Butternut, Juglans cinerea L., Marion Jackson - Rare Plants on Presque Isle
- The First 250 Years of Natural History
in North America, Part 2, George Beatty - Erie Sand Barrens State Nature Preserve
- Wipe Your Feet!,
Ellen Jacquart, Indiana Chapter The Nature Conservancy - Botany 101-22: Common Plant Families,
Poaceae = Grass Family = Gramineae, Dr. Rebecca Dolan - Mosses, Joan Crowe
- Roots of the Prairies, Gordon Mitchell
- Understanding Seed Dormancy, Barbars Hallett
- Doubles in the Wild, Anna Leggatt
- Aquatic Nuisance Plants
- Memo from Minnesota: Battle of the Buckthorn, Carolyn Harstad
- Articles
- Annual Dinner Speaker, Kaiulani Lee
- Eastern American Trilliums Part 1 of 4, Fredrick W. Case Jr.
- Interesting Tree Facts
- Ants and Wildflowers; Who Would Have Thought!, Tom Stanley
- Botany 101-23: Common Indiana Plant Families,
Liliaceae = Lily Family, Rebecca Dolan - Smith Cemetery State Nature Preserve, Guy Denny
- Botanical Excursions: John Lyon (1765 – 1814),
Scottish Explorer, Plant Collector, & Nurseryman, George Ellison - Selected References for Ohio Flora
- Grass of Parnassu, Gordon Mitchell
- Silphium in Ohio, Jennifer Clevinger
- Native Trees Around the House: When it Comes to Native Trees,
the Best Things in Life are Free,
But Flexibility and Patience are Required, Bobbie Diehl - Wild Yams, Dioscorea villosa, Tom Atkinson
- The Joe-Pye Weeds,
Mary Carol Cooper, Salato Wildlife Education Center
- Articles
- USDA Expands Emerald Ash Borer Quarantine
- Eastern American Trilliums: Part 2 of 4,
(Part 1 appeared in On The Fringe, September 2006),
Fredrick W. Case Jr. - Weed Alert: Lesser Celandine,
Issued by the Louisville Olmsted Parks Conservancy Herbarium - Witch Hazel Hamamelis virginiana L., Marion Jackson
- The Seasons at Kent Bog SNP, Tom Cooperrider
- Lichen Symbiosis: Is the Fungus Just a Parasite?, George Ellison
- Botany 101, Lesson 24: Mustard Family = Brassicaceae = Cruciferae,
Rebecca Dolan, Ph.D., Friesner Herbarium, Butler University - Boulevard Beauty:
Native wildflowers turn a suburban drainage ditch
into a verdant oasis, Douglas Counter - Tamarack: A Deciduous Conifer, Gordon Mitchell
- Hay-Scented Fern: "Can't Miss" Clue to Crisis,
Reprinted from Notes of the Pennsylvania Native Plant Society,
Oct. – Dec. 2006 - Monongahela National Forest: Dolly Sods Wilderness,
US Forestry Service - Dolly Sods In the Rain and Fog, Bill Grafton
- Liverworts, Joan Crowe
- Articles
- BOTANY 101 Lesson 25: Mint Family = Lamiaceae = Labiatae,
Rebecca Dolan, Ph.D. Friesner Herbarium, Butler University - Eastern American Trilliums, Part 3 of 4, Frederick W. Case, Jr.
- Jane Louise Forsyth, 1921-2006
- Kelleys Island State Nature Preserve
- The Needs of Seeds: Sowing, Natalie Helferty
- Favorites from Seed, Jim French
- Viola in the West Virginia Mountains, Barry Glick
- Tilia sp. L., Linden or Basswood, Richard Ware
- The Tree of Many Names, Robert Tener
- Dolly Sods in the Rain and Fog, Part 2, Bill Grafton
- Bloodroot (Sanguinaria canadensis):
2005 Virginia Wildflower of the Year - Bloodroot reproduction plan:
Hurry up and wait, and then hedge your bets,W. John Hayden - Some Medical Notes on Bloodroot, John Churchill
- Fringed Polygala, Gordon Mitchell
- Book Review by Paul Martin Brown
- Search for Lost Habitats:
30 Years of Exploring for Rare and Endangered Plants,
Perry Peskin
- Articles
- Eastern American Trilliums, Part 4 of 4,
Frederick W. Case, Jr. - GE’s Adams County Facility Protects Native Plants,
Rick Gardner - Loss at Headlands Beach is Sheldon Marsh Gain,
Steve Harvey, North District Preserve Manager, ODNR - BOTANY 101 - Lesson 26: Rosaceae = Rose Family,
Rebecca Dolan, Ph.D., Friesner Herbarium, Butler University - Invasive Species: Lesser Celandine,
Global Invasive Species Database - Sun Dew and Sun Don’t, Tom Sampliner
- Those Cultivars Gardeners Can’t Live Without,
Nancy Hill - Eastern White Pine: A Majestic Pine, Gordon Mitchell
- Hackberry (Celtis occidentalis)
- Poke Milkweed (Asclepias exaltata), Barry Glick
- Shrubs, Richard Bitner
- Federal Grant Protects Rare Southeast Ohio Orchid
- After-effects of Amur Honeysuckle Removal
- Book Review
- Native Alternatives to Invasive Plants
- Articles
- From Dried Plants to Paper, Vondie O’Conner
- When Is a Lake Not a Lake?: Most of Ohio's favorite lakes
are not natural-born bodies of water, Laura Jones, ODNR - Global Invasive Species Database
- The Herrick Magnolia Gardens, Tom Cooperrider
- Ohio’s Sphagnum Peat Bogs:
Showcasing Members of the Heath Family, Guy Denny - Northeast Lakeshore Ohio State Nature Preserves
- Quillwort Update: First of all, what are quillworts?,
Rebecca D. Bray - Quillwort Dispersal: Which way is the wind blowing?,
D.F. Brunton - BOTANY 101, Lesson 27:
Scrophulariaceae = Snapdragon Family = Foxglove Family,
Rebecca Dolan - Bog Rosemary, Gordon Mitchell
- Parasitic Plants of Kentucky, Ron Jones
- Guidelines for Obtaining and Using Native Plants
- Some Sources for Native Plants (with great Fall Sales)
- Book Review by Michael Homoya
- The Plant Life of Kentucky, Ronald L. Jones
- Articles
- What’s in a Name?: A Primer of Plant Taxonomy,
Elizabeth Peters, Director of Publications
at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden - Global Invasive Species Initiative
- The Sun-Gold Tree: The Eastern Larch, Robert L. Tener
- Botany 101: Apiaceae = Umbelliferae = Carrot Family,
Rebecca Dolan, Ph.D., Friesner Herbarium, Butler University - Buckeye Fever!, Greg Payton,
Dawes Arboretum Plant Records Specialist - Ohio Prairie Association Web Site,
- The Bladdernut, Tom Sampliner
- On the Road: Focus on Eastern Ontario, Lorraine Johnson
- Wetlands that Boggle the Mind, FOWL Newsletter reprint
- Desonier State Nature Preserve, Heidi Hetzel-Evans
- Making a Prairie Garden, ODNR
- Along the Road to Recovery: Habitat factors are the key to survival,
Center for Plant Conservation- Fire & Regeneration, Helen Roback
- Fireweed: A New Beginning, Gordon Mitchell
- Trailing Arbutus: T.A. in Trouble,
Barbara E. Plampin, PhD, Shirley Heinze Land Trust- Possible Adaptive Value of Red Leaves, Larry Mellichamp
- Growing Your Own Spotted Geraniums, Geranium maculatum,
Gene E. Bush, Munchkin Nursery- Native Plant Ground Covers, Carol Harstad
- Book Note
- Bringing Nature Home, Douglas Tallamy
- Book Review
- Forests in Peril, Hazel R. Delcourt
- Articles
- The Great Oak, Robert L. Tener
- Violets/Violaceae
- Recovering Ohio’s Native Treasures, Jo Meyercord
- The Happy Herbivore: Fairy Spuds, Scott D. Appell
- The Plant Conservation Alliance (PCA)
- Geauga Park District Burton Wetlands Nature Preserve
- Running Before Ice:
World Distribution of Temperate Hardwood Forest Species,
Marion T. Jackson, Professor Emeritus of Ecology,
Indiana State University - Botanizing 101: Cracking the Nutt. of Plant Name Authorities,
Rebecca Dolan - Plan Now For Your Spring Planting
- Native Plant Activists: From the web site of Biological Diversity
- Blue Camas, Camassia quamash, Joe Arnett
- Spring Ephemerals: Strategies Reconsidered, George Ellison
- Bio Blitz 2008
- Bloodroot: A Red Puccoon, Gordon Mitchell
- Pepper and Salt, Erigenia bulbosa,
Barry Glick, Sunshine Farm & Gardens - Book Reviews
- The Great Lakes, Wayne Grady
- Coal River, Michael Shnayerson
- Articles
- Annual Dinner Speaker
- Index in the works!
- Ecological Bridges, Tom Stanley
- Stemless Blue Violets in Central Pennsylvania,
C.S.Keener & W. Leitzel - Looking for an Out-of- Print Book?
- Missing, Presumed Extinct: The Heartbreak of Psoralea,
Carol Ann McCormick, University of North Carolina Herbarium - One of a Kind: False Mermaid, Tom Sampliner
- Botanizing 101: The Power of Observation,
Rebecca Dolan, PhD, Friesner Herbarium, Butler University - ODNR Springville State Nature Preserve
- Black Walnut, Gordon Mitchell
- Wildflowers that Flourish Under Black Walnuts, Chris Brewster
- Fighting Invasives in Ohio’s Special Places:
Preserves in Lake Erie watershed challenged by non-native plants,
ODNR - Connecting an Oak Tree to the Animals that Depend on It,
Joan Maloof - Two Major Successional Trees: Black Locust and Yellow Popla,
J. Dan Pittillo - Book Release Announcement
- Wild Ohio The Best of Our Natural Heritage,
Jim McCormac and Gary Meszaros - Book Review
- Got Shade?, Carol Harstad
- Articles
- An Appreciation of the Work of Art Herrick,
Tom Cooperrider - Herrick Fen Preserve
- Kathy Hanratty: TogetherGreen Hero
- Botanizing 101: Make Your Own Dried Specimens,
Kay Yatskievych & Rebecca Dolan - Best Plant Finds of 2007
- Bucking the Trend,Darcie McKelvey
- Rare Plants: Alders,Linda Chafin
- Those Really Busy Bees,Tristram Seidler, Seed Ecologist
- Native Bees and the Honey Bee Crisis,
- Weeds or Fall Flowers?,Robert L. Tener
- Planting a Prairie in Barrie, Ontario,Peggy Wong
- Shrubby Cinquefoil,Gordon Mitchell
- Ohio Prairie Plants,John Blakeman, Ohio Prairie Association
- Gentiana saponaria: The Soapwort Gentian, Gene Bush
- The Old Gall Game,Larry Englander
- The Death of the Figwort Family is Greatly Exaggerated:
It's just been dismembered!,Scott Ranger - Book Announcement
- Native Ferns, Moss & Grasses –
From Emerald Carpet to Amber Wave:
Serene and Sensuous Plants for the Garden, William Cullina - Book Review by Patricia Jonas
- Emily Dickinson’s Herbarium: A Facsimile Edition,
Richard B. Sewall, et al.
- Articles
- Plant Preservation: An Historical Perspective,
Frances H. Clark & Mary M. Walker - Making the “LEAP”, CMNH
- St. Louis Declaration on Invasive Plant Species
- Invasive Plant Short List
- Why Are Invasive Non-Native Plants a Problem?
- Voluntary Code of Ethics for the Gardening Public
- Burton Wetlands Nature Preserve – Geauga Park District
- Drainage, Dirt, and DNA ... My Love Affair With Native Plants,
Nancy Hill - American Ginseng & “Vulnerable” Plants in Pennsylvania,
Eric Burkhart - Ginseng Replaces PA Tea Industry in 1864
- Sources of Ohio Native Seeds and Plants:
From the Ohio Governor’s Residence and Heritage Garden - Labrador Tea, Gordon Mitchell
- No Mow If You Want To Have Any Mo, Tom Sampliner
- Arthur Herrick – A Footnote
- Book Review by Lisa Gilgenbach
- Our First Family’s Home:
The Ohio Governor's Residence and Heritage Garden,
Edited by Mary Alice Mairose
- Articles
- Spring 2009 Wildflower Events
- IBats: Winged Winders,
Lori Totman, Conservation Director, Dawes Arboretum - Degenerate Wildflowers, Marcia Bonta
- Harbingers, George Ellison
- Sumac: A Shrub For All Seasons, Larry Hodgson
- A Brief History of the Cincinnati Wild Flower Preservation Society,
Victor G. Soukup- Fringed Gentian: A Rare Gentianopsis, Gordon Mitchell
- The Ice Age In Ohio, Part 1, Michael C. Hanson
- Flowering Dogwood–Cornus florida L., Robert Tener
- Old Woman Creek:
National Estuarine Research Reserve and State Nature Preserve,
ODNR- Alternatives to Invasive Plants: Beautiful shrub alternatives,
Cheryl Lowe- Worm Warfare: How Exotic Earthworms
Are Wreaking Havoc in North American Forests, Niall Dunne- Garlic Mustard Pesto: recipe, Steve Brill
- How Do You Tell Native From Non-Native Euonymus Species,
Ellen Jacquart - Book Review by Greg Tillman
- Noah‘s Garden: Restoring the Ecology of Our Own Back Yards,
Sara Stein
- Articles
- The Green Triangle Project
- The Ice Age in Ohio, Part 2, Michael C. Hansen
- Appalachian Forest School
- Redbud— Cercis canadensis Linnaeus, Robert Tener
- Phylogenetic Patterns of Species Loss …, Willis, C.G., et al.
- Phenology Primer: Growing Degree Days
- Garden of Controversy: A Tall Grass Prairie Memorial Garden
- Davis Memorial State Nature Preserve, ODNR
- Japanese Barberry and Ticks
- Butterfly Gardening:
Attracting butterflies to gardens in the Great Lakes watershed - Sassafras Tea, Gordon Mitchell
- Invasive Species: American Bittersweet, Celastrus scandens L.
- Singing the Praises of Stinging Nettle, Jennifer Tucker
- Two More Reasons Not to Mow
- Book Review
- Wild Ohio: The Best of Our Natural Heritage,
Jim McCormac and Gary Meszaros
- Articles
- Web Sites of Interest
- Seed Collecting Tips for Native Plants,
Dawn Bauman, Chair, INPAWS Native Plant Rescue - Techniques to Stimulate Seed Germination
- The Great Sneezeweed Mystery,
The Center for Plant Conservation - Iron Weed, Robert L, Tener
- Dead Wood Brings New Life to the Forest, David Suzuki
- Autumn Brings Birds to Backyards, Audubon Society
- Berries, Botanically Speaking, David M. Brandenburg
- Native Plant Societies and Grassroots Conservation,
Stanwyn Shetler - Stage’s Pont State Nature Preserve, Jeff Johnson
- Common Milkweed, Gordon Mitchell
- How to Use Newcomb’s Wildflower Guide, George Ellison
- A Tale of Three Orchids, Hal Horwitz
- Articles
- On The Fringe Turns Over a New Leaf
- A Brief Review of This Summer’s Native Plant Society Programs
- The Winter-Flowering Shrub, Robert L. Tener
- The Wild Rose and Its Pollinators, Jim Dyer & Victoria MacPhail
- Guessing the Age of Trees, Bill Einsig
- The Apple Doesn’t Fall Far From the Tree, Mike Ecker
- Planting a Cornucopia of Native Plants, Casey Tucker
- Botanical Excursions: Hunkering Down in Winter, George Ellison
- Hueston Woods SNP, Tim Snyder, ODNP
- Wild Black Cherry, Gordon Mitchell
- Kentucky Plants With Unusual "Lifestyles" Part II,
Carnivorous Plants, Ron Jones - Invasive Initiatives:
States Are Beginning to Take Action Against
Horticultural Pest Plants, Colleen Fitzpatrick - Book Review
- Pitcher Plants of the Americas, Stewart McPherson