- Articles
- Wild Collecting Increases the Possibility of Extinction,
Kathy Hanratty - Native Plant Gardening
- Invasive Plants – Lesser Naiad and Curly Pondweed
- Pretty Partridgeberry, Marielle Anzelone
- Wild Geranium: A Crane’s Bill, Gordon Mitchell
- Wild Savory, Charles Kinsley
- The Nature of Nectar, Niall Dunn
- Return of the American Chestnut, Jim Durrell
- Devil’s Walking Stick, George Ellison
- A Floristic Inventory of Marco Island, Jean Roche and
George Wilder - Orchid Talking Points, Tom Sampliner
- A Duneland Carnivore, Barbara Plampin
- Book Review by Tom S. Cooperrider
- Botanical Essays from Kent

Virtual Archives -- 2010 - 2019
Each On the Fringe publication contains well written and informative articles on plants, ecology, plant science, nature, and so much more. As you read through the pages of earlier publications, the evolving history of the Native Plant Society of NEO comes alive as do the contributions over the years of many dedicated men and women who possessed ageless curiosity and shared care and concern for native plants and good stewardship of our natural world. Their individual actions and collective efforts made a difference.Thank you and enjoy!
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- Articles
- Sidewalk Garden at the Zoo, Jean Loria
- Black Gum: Rabbit Traps and Bee Gums,
George Ellison - Middle Bass, Debbie Woischke
- Archives: The Elusive Gentians, Perry Peskin
- On a Bog Garden, Don Peters
- Round-Leaved Sundew, Gordon Mitchell
- A Rare Find: Sourwood Oxydendrum arboreum,
Marion T. Jackson - Parasitic Plants of Central Pennsylvania, Joel McNeal
- Redbud – Cercis canadensis, Robert L. Tener
- The Pleasing Persimmon, Maggie Whitson
- Ohio Native Graces Swedish Postage Stamp
- Book Review
- Wildflowers in the Field and Forest, Steven Clements and
Carol Gracie
- Articles
- Show and Tell, Rollie Henkes
- All in the Family, Richard J. Hull
- Eastern Red Cedar, Robert L. Tener
- American Lotus, Gordon Mitchell
- Flower Fireworks in Northern Ohio, Tom Sampliner
- Natural Meadows: Challengers and Charms, Carry Plunkett
- Prairie Smoke, Emony Nicholls
- Chaparral Prairie State Nature Preserve
- Botanizing in Greene County, Pennsylvania,
Dr. Mary J. Haywood - Partridge-berry, Ann Mitchell Seemann
- Invasive Plants of Ohio - Eurasian Water-Milfoil
- New Program Certifies Forage and Mulch Free
of Noxious Weed Seeds - Book Review by Tom Sampliner
- Invasive Plants: Weeds of the Global Garden,
John M. Randall (Editor), Janet Marinelli (Editor)
- Articles
- The Mushroom Origins of Santa and Flying Reindeer,
Tom Sampliner - American Ginseng, Eric Burkhart
- The Happy Herbivore, Blithsome Borage, Scott D. Appell
- Coffetree, Robert Tener
- Conservation in Action at Orchard Hills Park, Paige Hosier
- Polygonaceae: The Smartweed Family, Landon McKinney
- Sassafras albidum, Mitten Tree, Marion T. Jackson, Ph.D.
- Indian Pipe, Gordon Mitchell
- Folklore: The Doctrine of Signatures, Guy L. Denny
- Invasive Plant: Japanese Knotweed
- Book Review
- Invasive Plant Medicine, Timothy Lee Scott
- Articles
- Wood Poppy: Rare For a Reason, Jane Bowles
- Skunk Cabbage, The Year’s First New Wildflower, Gordon Mitchell
- Folklore: Woodland Dental Hygiene, Guy L. Denny
- Invasive Plant: May’s the Month To Pull Garlic Mustard
- Mad About Moss, Joni Blackburn
- Old Woman Creek: A National Estuarine Research Reserve
& State Nature Preserve, ODNR - Do We Need a Purple Dead Nettle Festival?, Charlie Lapham
- Book Review
- Go Native! Gardening with Native Plants and Wildflowers
in the Lower Midwest, Carolyn Harstad
- Articles
- A Pear by Any Other Name, Ellen Jacquart
- Swamp Milkweed, Melanie Choukas-Bradley
- An 18th Century Botanist, Bev Stamp
- Downspout Bog Gardens, North American Native Plant Society
- Jackson Bog State Nature Preserve, ODNR
- White Water Lily, Gordon Mitchell
- Folklore: Green Medicine, Guy L. Denny
- Invasive Plant: Smooth Brome
- Book Review
- New Book on Prairie ecology & management, Chris Helzer
- Articles
- Common Arrowhead, Gordon Mitchell
- Invasive Plant: Japanese Chaff Flower, Chris Evans
- An 18th Century American Botanist, Beverly Stamp
- Fungi: Friends and Foes, Dawes Arboretum
- Maumee Bay, Ohio State Park
- Book Worth Looking At: Bringing Nature Home
- Weed Seed Dispersal by Earthworm, Emilie Regnier
- Poem: To the Fringed Gentian, William Cullen Bryant
- Sundew, Tom Sampliner
- Folklore: Beechdrops, Mark Howes
- Articles
- Wild Strawberry, Gordon Mitchell
- Winter Woods, Tom Snyder
- Gross Memorial Woods SNP, ODNR
- Key to the Conifirs of the Great Lakes Region,
Tom Sampliner - Pernicious Periwinkle, Ruth Ann Ingraham
- An 18th Century American Botanist, Parts III & IVA,
Beverly Stamp - From the Archive: Leopold‘s Lament, Brian Parsons
- Book Review by Joy Kiser
- Nests and Eggs of Birds of Ohio
- Articles
- Preserving Biodiversity: Is it too late?, Jeff Knoop
- Common Blue Violet, Marney Bruce
- Spring’s Edible Gifts, Debbie Naha
- Native Plant Communities of Lake Vermillion State Park,
Tavis Westbrook - Invasive Plants:
Are “Sterile” Cultivars Safe?, Sheilah Lombardo - An 18th Century American Botanist, Beverly Stamp
- Plant Lore: Northern Bush Honeysuckle, Thor Kommedahl
- Poem: The Path Not Taken, Lauren Brown
- Book Review by Tom Sampliner
- Wildflower Wonders:
The 50 Best Wildflower Sites in the World, Bob Gibbons
- Articles
- Archive Article: Vittaria Gametophytes
Discovered in a New Physiographic Province, Allison W. Cusick - Book Note: America’s Other Audubon, Joy Kiser
- Invasive Plant: Fighting Hydrilla in the Cayuga Inlet
- Poem: Orchid Hunt, Kenneth Hull
- Weird Plants:
Native Plants Can Have a Real Wild Side, Chet Neufeld - Archive Article: Native American Medicinal Use of Trees
- State Park: Rhododendron Cove State Nature Preserve
- Articles
- Archive Article: Comments from the President,
Ann Malmquist - Archive Article: Woody Plants and
the Drought of ’88 (and 2012), Charles Tubesing - Forest Ecology – Great Lakes Worm Watch website
- Two Colorful Wetland Plants: The Cardinal Flower and
The Great Blue Lobelia, Gordon Mitchell - Invasive Plants: Salt Cedar
- New Botanical Nomenclature Rules Are Now In Effect,
Shirley Mah Kooyman - Bottle Gentians, Anne S. Bahl
- Plant Lore, Speckled Adler, Thor Kommedahl
- Book Review by David Keifer
- Rambunctious Garden: Saving Nature
in a Post-Wild World, Emma Marris
- Articles
- The Year in Review – 2012, Message from the President,
Judy Barnhart - Statement of the NPSNEO
Upon Awarding Perry Peskin the Gentian Award for 2012 - Archive Article: Winter Nature Interpretation,
Emliss Ricks - Ancient Seeds Grown
- A Near Perfect Plant: Creeping Wintergreen, Gene Bush
- Invasive Plants: ‘Non-Invasive’ Cultivar? Buyer Beware
- State Park: Augusta-Anne Olsen State Nature Preserve
- Ohio Native Plant Collaborative, Lori Totman
- Why are some plant species able to coexist
while others cannot?, Jean Burns - Folklore: The Wonder Tree: Eastern Hemlock, Robert L. Tener
- Archive Article: Ohio Polygonums, Clinton H. Hobbs
- Musings on the Society’s Thirtieth Anniversary,
Tom Sampliner - Book Review by Tracey Knierim
- Spring Wildflowers of the Northeast, A Natural History,
Carol Gracie
- Articles
- Letter from president of our Society and from
president of ONAPA about the urgent need to help ONAPA,
Kathryn Hanratty and Guy Denny - Gott Fen Nature Preserve
- Book Highlight: The Search for Lost Habitats,
Chapter 10: Orchidophilia, Perry Peskin - Folklore: Natural History of Maple Syrup, Stephen G. Saupe
- Invasive Plant: Mile-A-Minute Weed, Persicaria perfoliata L.
- Interesting Factoid: Jeffersonia diphylla (L.), Twinleaf
- Fern in Focus: Royal Fern, Melanie Choukas-Bradley
- Articles
- Two Weeks and 38 Orchids in Western Newfoundland,
Paul Martin Brown - Big Darby Creek, Ohio, Back Home Again,
Ann Zwinger (Annual Dinner speaker) - Gardening for Pollinators, Leanne Heisler
- Wingstem, Gordon Mitchell
- Natural Mosquito Repellents, Bob Krueger
- Tal Tell Trees, Dr. Neil Pederson and Dr. Amy Hessl
- Invasive Plant: Nodding Thistle
- Flora of Northeaster Ohio’s Beaches, Dunes, Swales and
other Palustrine Habitats, Tom Sampliner - Interesting factoid: Garden Tomato
- North Kingsville Sand Barrens
- Folklore: They Are Not Weeds!!!, Glenna W. Sheaffer
- Book Review by Tom Small
- The Forgotten Pollinators,
Stephen L. Buchmann, Gary Paul Nabhan,
Paul Mirocha (Illustrator)
- Articles
- Letter from the President, Kathy Hanratty
- Pollination Biology of Aplectrum hyemale,
Putty-root or Adam and Eve orchid, Charles L. Argue - Invasive Plant: Glossy Buckthorn and Common Buckthorn
- Website: Wild Ones. Native Plants, Natural Landscapes
- Gott Fen State Nature Preserve, Society’s Stewardship Days
in 2013: June 8 and October 13 - The Genus Liatris and its Status in Ohio, K. Roger Troutman
- Interesting factoid: Franklin Tree, Franklinia alatamaha
- Folklore:
Fungi: a Source of Natural Bioluminescence, Tom Sampliner - The Last Flower of the Year, Lucy Larcom
- Book Review by Glenn Dreyer
- The Brother Gardeners:
Botany, Empire and the Birth of Obsession, Andrea Wulf
- Articles
- Gott Fen Stewardship Day Summary, Judy Barnhart
- The NPSONEO Awards, Judy Semroc, Kathy Hanratty
- Folklore: Holiday Greenery, Mistletoe,
Phoradendron leucarpum, Kathy Schlosser - Eastern Larch Beetles are Threat to Tamarack Forests,
Fraser R. McKee - Interesting Factoid: Use of Goats in Vegetation Management
- Sharp-Lobed Hepatica. Hepatica acutiloba, Gene Bush
- Invasive Plant: Oriental Bittersweet
- Website: Weeds Gone Wild: Alien Plant Invaders of Natural Area
- Acorns, Gordon Mitchell
- Blackhand Gorge State Nature Preserve
- Taxonomy Notes, Why Tree Names are ‘Girls’,
Shirley Mah Kooyman - Our Generous Donors
- Book Reviews by Jane Hill
- The Sibley Guide to Trees, David Sibley
- National Wildlife Federation Field Guide to Trees,
Bruce Kershner, Craig Tufts, Daniel Mathews and Gil Nelson
- Articles
- What’s Up With The Butternut, Alice Waldhauer
- Making Locally Adapted Butternut Available to Landowners,
USDA Forest Service, Dept. of Forestry and Natural Resources and
Purdue University - Bloodroot Reproduction Plan:
Hurry Up and Wait, and Then Hedge Your Bets, John Hayden - Hach-Otis State Nature Preserve
- Website: Leafsnap: An Electronic Field Guide to Trees
- Flowering Dogwood, Guy L. Denny
- Invasive Plant: Japanese Stiltgrass
- Kidney-Leaved Buttercup, Gordon Mitchell
- Folklore: Common Blue Violet, Marilyn Dufour
- Book Review
- American Chestnut: The Life, Death, and Rebirth of a Perfect Tree
- Articles
- Turning Maple Syrup Forests Into Bird-Friendly Habitat,
Alison Haigh - Folklore:
The “Snap, Crackle and Pop” of the Woodlands Witch-hazel,
Hamamelis virginiana, Guy Denny - Witch’s Broom
- Why Insects Need Plants and Plants Need Insects
- Three Biologists Explain, Jane Roy Bro
- Invasive Plant: Invasion of the Exotic Earthworms
- Website: A Database of Plant Ecology, bplant.org
- We Need a Cure for Plant Blindness, Robbie Blackhall-Miles
- State Nature Preserve: Fowler Woods State Nature Preserve
- Interesting Factoid: Ecological Grief, Diane Christensen
- Book Review by JoAnna Klein
- The Lorax, Dr. Suess