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Woodlands of Bedford: Tinker's Creek Stream Walk

Cleveland Metroparks Bedford Reservation

Location:  Hemlock Creek Picnic Area

Join Volunteer Naturalist Fred Losi on the 31st annual in-stream exploration of the 'green grand canyon' of Bedford Reservation, the Great Gorge of Tinker's Creek.  Wear wettable shoes and clothing as we will traverse the stream, floodplain, and nearby habitats of this remote area of Bedford Reservation.  View massive shale and sandstone cliffs, waterfalls and pools, and secluded groves of mature floodplain trees with lush ferns and wildflowers.  Bring a light lunch, camera, and binoculars.

Terrain:  Generally flat, wet, expect muddy conditions.

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED.  Please call 216.341.3152 to register.