Field Notes


Native Plant Society of Northeastern Ohio

Perry Middle School

Environmental Club
21 June 2018

narrative by Payge Silvis

Perry Middle School Environmental Club Outdoor Classroom Project

Outdoor Classroom

Native Plant Project

My name is Payge and I am part of Perry Middle School Environmental Club. The Perry Middle School Environmental Club was lucky enough to have Native plants donated to us by Judy Barnhart, vice president of The Native Plant Society of Northeastern Ohio for our outdoor classroom. Our goal for our outdoor classroom is to give students a space outside to get some fresh air while learning new things and to provide a space for native wildlife to grow!

With the help of Lisa Schlag from The Native Plant Society, our teacher Ms. Angie Germano, Nicolai N., Angel N., and myself, we were able to pick a spot to plant, dig up the area needed, and plant the plants, including turtlehead, ostrich fern, and common milkweed, that we received from Judy. We were beyond excited to take part in this project and are very grateful for the plant donations and for Lisa's help in planting! Although these plants are only a small part of the area we hope to cover, we can't wait to see what the future brings for not only the Environmental Club, but the outdoor classroom also!

photographs courtesy of Angela Germano, 2018